Thoughts On The New Year

The Holiday Season has come and gone, with it’s festivities and colors lighting up the winter darkness. And it’s January 1st once more. We have again accomplished that crossing between year’s end and another beginning.

As we reflect on this crossing, make promises or resolutions. and set our sights on the challenges and adventures that beckon ahead, we may pause to contemplate that yet another year of our life has gone by.

One can see time as passing by, and we can also see that we are travelers, participants on a journey of possibilities from youth to the wisdom of old age—through days, months and years.

It is a journey not to be feared, writes Thomas Moore in his book Ageless Soul, The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy.[1] Rather, he writes, it should be embraced and cherished. In Moore’s view, aging is the process by which one becomes a more distinctive, complete, fulfilled, loving, and connected person. May this be, in 2018, a promise for you and all your loved ones.

We, at The Family Business Leader™, wish you and all your family
a very wonderful and prosperous New Year.


1  Moore. Thomas. (2010) Ageless Soul: The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy, New York, New York: St. Martin’s Press.