Hot Tips in a Small Red Package

In October of 2008, consultant David Bork published a small book filled with common sense advice and tips for business families, and family businesses. The Little Red Book of Family Business is full of pragmatic perceptions and useful practices covering issues from attitudes to wills.

On decision making Bork writes:

Families often fall into the trap of having everyone in the family involved in making all decisions. This family pattern of involving everyone is symptomatic of a business that does not have clarity of roles, responsibility and accountability for different things.[1]

On practices and policies:

In family businesses, one can craft an elegant business solution, but the keys to implementation are always locked up in the family psychology. If you pay attention to the elegant solution and the family psychology, you will be more successful in your implementation rate, and your satisfaction quotient and will be much higher.[2]

[1] David Bork, The Little Red Book of Family Business. (Sampson Press: Coda Corporation, 2008), 46.

[2] Bork, 65.