Is Philanthropy Right for Your Family Business?

The meaning of the word philanthropy is “love of humanity.” Much more than just the giving of money, philanthropy embraces ever voluntary act of giving to others.

The form that philanthropy takes is as varied as the philanthropists themselves. For example, consider David Bohnett whose foundation supports a wide range of social issues; American rock star Jon Bon Jovi whose organization focuses on the issues of hunger and homelessness in the United States; Arpad Busson, founder of Absolute Return for Kids Academy.

Philanthropy can be misunderstood as being the province of very wealthy individuals or of large corporations. But many family-owned businesses are in a position to help others. The opportunity exists to make philanthropy a part of the firm’s culture.

Bruce DeBoskey, founder of The DeBoskey Group, a Denver based philanthropic strategy firm, advises that to achieve meaningful results, philanthropists should focus on a few select causes, rather than spreading their giving in smaller amounts over a wide area. Following this advice, family-owned firms can manage an impactful giving plan without placing undue stress on their resources.

The altruism of philanthropy affects and helps the lives of millions. But, as DeBoskey points out, giving benefits the donor as well. The work of helping others brings families together around shared values. It builds relationships with your community, supports and strengthens your brand, boosts your bottom line and promotes employee engagement.

Philanthropic businesses enjoy improved employee recruitment and productivity, greater customer loyalty and enhanced profitability. Within family businesses, community-centered activities engage upcoming generations whose different viewpoints and fresh ideas can prove invaluable to future successes.